Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nature and Character of God....and people??

Hey guys! So this is one of my (Sarah's) first updates! I am sitting on the porch watching the rain fall. It really is beautiful sounding with the rain and birds, truly a jungle. I love how the birds and monkeys sing here! It is like a natural orchestra, especially when the roosters chime in at 5 in the morning :)
Jason Andrews, the primary dts leader is speaking this week on the Nature and Character of God. I am learning so much. But have found myself learning more about peoples nature and characters this week and how we relate to God through our own looking glass that is tinted by our current and past experiences. Staffing has challenged me more than I would have ever expected. Especially since more than half of our school is from another culture. I am learning how to lean on God's strength more than my own, which is easier at some times more than others.
So although there is challenge there is also the excitement of watching the students just start to "get it"! When they begin to let down their walls and barriers and let bits and pieces of those tinted looking glasses be chipped away. God is good :)
Well, my little bit of down time to e-mail has ended, so now I must run.
But I love you all!


  1. Hey Lady!

    Sounds like you are making some great realizations within yourself, as well as touching the lives around you. Miss you two so much! Keep up with the updates, we love them :)


  2. miss you guys wish you would let me know of a way we could talk. Mom said she e-mailed me some stuff but never got the email. Let me know. Court
