Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines:)

Wow!!! It's February 14th?  I just realized that we are two weeks into February and I have failed to write anything... Well I guess I will start by saying how wonderful it was this morning to wake up, roll over and see my wife's smiling face.  I am truly blessed!  This last week was good, we were able to see our team come together.   Finally getting over some hurdles, we have begun to mesh... but with this, this week has also thrown a few wrenches into the works... the enemy is ruthless.  Despite the ups and downs I feel like the Lord has shown us how things that the enemy would use to break us apart, we have been able to use to bring us closer... together and within our walk with Christ.  Hmmmm.... let's see, we are getting ready to head out tomorrow for our first week of outreach (we are doing a week in country to break up our lectures and to get us ready for the international stuff that is quickly getting closer).  We head out tomorrow morning to a small village in Southern Belize called San Benito Puente.  If you try to google it you won't come up with much, so i will fill you all in on some of the things we are to be heading into.  Firstly, before we ever enter the village we will be meeting with the chief to ask permission to come and stay the week. Next, the village has no electricity and little running water so there will be many on our team who will be experiencing a way of life that they have never experienced.... Probably the biggest thing for all of us is that we are heading into a community that is very... "old fashioned?"  I guess that would be a way of putting it.  They are a community where the women have little if any place, but to bare the children and cook, clean, etc.  They are not to be seen, or heard when the men are around.  It will be "interesting," but I am hoping that Sarah and I will be able to be an example.  It should be intense, but a great experience for our team to reach out to the kids and for us to grow.  We are going to be putting on a VBS during the week and so will be surrounded by kids all week.  I would like to add some more, but it is noon and we are starting to get together to pack and get loaded and ready to go.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and I am sure we will have pictures and stories to tell come next weekend when we get back.  Sarah and I want to thank all of you, friends and family, who have supported us and continue to support us through this time of growth and experience.  We love and miss you all and as I said I will try to let you all know how it goes when we get back...  

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